Artistic Tile Kitchen Project Example

Artistic Tile Rebuild

This project consisted of a redesign, mass data migration, and frontend development.

The client's data requirements were highly custom - the majority of the storefront ultimately uses Shopify metafield data that is populated from a Netsuite data store using a Celigo integration. The product catalog on the previous site (on Magento) required some reorganization to fit into the product-variant model on Shopify, so we needed frequent communication with the client and their third-party teams who managed their data mapping.

Of the many stakeholders, I was responsible for high-level solution engineering, grooming, planning, and development, along with documenting features and educating the client on how Shopify could be used to maintain the site moving forward.

This site's development is still ongoing, but the launch was a milestone to be sure. It wouldn't have been successful without an all-star project manager and some great team members.

Feel free to check it out at